Vincent Macaigne Voilà ce que jamais je ne te dirai


In Parallel with Je suis un pays, Vincent Macaigne invites the Finnish artist Ulrich von Sidow for a unique experience.
Ulrich Von Sidow, known for his radical and unexpected artistic propositions, looks into a question that is one of the departure points for Je suis un pays. Can art save the world? Picking up on the themes of the show, his response - in collaboration with, and based on a text by Vincent Macaigne - is that of an immersion-based performance. It experiments with the limits of representation and questions the different relationships at work between art and power, artistic identity and the difficulty of creating new work. Each evening, a video-conference by one of the major specialists in the Ulrich Von Sidow’s art introduces the performance.

Vincent Macaigne also presents Je suis un pays and En manque

Not recommanded for pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy