Julien Gosselin Joueurs | Mao II | Les Noms de Don DeLillo


After Houellebecq and Bolaño, the director Julien Gosselin continues his scenic exploration of the literature of today and violence in our societies. Based on three novels by the American writer Don DeLillo, this latest production echoes the history of contemporary terrorism.

In 2014, the impact of Particules élémentaires brought Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur, a young collective lead by Julien Gosselin, into the spotlight. In 2016, with 2666, an adaptation of Roberto Bolaño monumental novel, the director confirmed his taste for torrent-like shows, non theatre-based texts and all-embracing, immersive formats in which music, video and lighting engage spectators in a dazzling aesthetic experience. These productions also saw him digging deeper into themes which have become an integral part of his work – literature, violence, and the ways in which human beings become victims of the underground movements that history and society at large produce. These same themes come to a head in the novels by the Amercian writer Don DeLillo. The three novels Players (1977), Names (1982) and Mao II (1991) – a title borrowed from one of Andy Warhol’s “multiples” - draw upon the inextricable links between individual destiny and collective history. For Gosselin, they make up “a history of terrorism, each in its own way”, and, at times, a wholly premonitory one at that. But they also constitute the basis for a new form: one that is both sum, and sum of its constituent part at the same time. To be discovered separately, or as a whole.
You can choose to see the performances:
- Complete works: Sat. and Sun. 13h30 (24€ to 60€)
- In three separate evenings at the complete work's fee (24€ to 60€)
- You can also choose to see only one performance of the three (12€ to 30€)

- You can choose to see different parts, according to individual choice, and under no obligation to see all three.
Estimated running time:
Complete work: 9h10 - spectators can come and go freely during the performance
The Players: 3h00 | Learn more about The Players
Mao II: 3h10 | Learn more about Mao II
The Names: 3h00 | Learn more about The Names