Myriam Gourfink Glissements


With Glissements, created by Myriam Gourfink for the Nymphéas rooms at the Musée de l’Orangerie, the sliding movements on the floor and in the air gradually build up into a continuous flow. Together they invite us to take a fresh look at the work of Claude Monet.

Immerged in both the Nymphéas rooms and the live music of Kasper T. Toeplitz, four female dancers slide, slither and undulate simultaneously. In their search for space, they set up volumes, curved, broken lines, via a choreography which continuously unfurls and recomposes itself, on the verge of the incomprehensible and the imperceptible.
By the choosing the components of the movement, meaning the small unities which enable the different factors to be evaluated precisely – weight, time, space, flow -, the choreographer invents an open partition and a sensorial space-time which renders the dance visible, an infinity contained in the finite.
Running time : 30 min