Fanny de Chaillé

Talents Adami Théâtre Le chœur

Archive 2020

Directed by Fanny de Chaillé
Text based on the work by Pierre Alferi
With 10 graduates (year 2020) from the « Talents Adami Théâtre » initiative : Marius Barthaux, Marie-Fleur Behlow, Rémy Bret, Adrien Ciambarella, Maud Cosset-Chéneau, Malo Martin, Polina Panassenko, Tom Verschueren, Margot Viala, Valentine Vittoz
Coproduced by Adami ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
In collaboration with l’Atelier de Paris / CDCN
With the support of the CND Centre national de la danse, residential hosting
Display has an agreement with le Ministère de la Culture, DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes is labelled « compagnie Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.

The Talents Adami Théâtre scheme and the Festival d’Automne à Paris invites a director to work with young actors and actresses. This year, with Le chœur, Fanny de Chaillé gives them the opportunity to experience chorus work, based on the writing of the poet Pierre Alferi, and in doing so to rethink the place or statute of the actor.

Onstage, the ten actors and actresses form a chorus. A unity. A body. There is no identifiable protagonist nor attempt at individual personification, each of them forms part of a collective experience. In Fanny de Chaillé’s new show, part of the Talents Adami Théâtre scheme, the chorus becomes both the form and subject of the piece. Thanks to this initiative, past participants of which include Gwenaël Morin, Joris Lacoste and tg STAN, she will be passing on the fundaments of her practice to young performers and prompting them to question the relationship between stage and spoken word. This theme was already present in Désordre du discours, performed during the Festival in 2019, the background material for which was Michel Foucault’s inaugural lecture at the Collège de France. In Le chœur, her starting point is the work of the poet Pierre Alferi, and in particular his poem “Et la rue”, taken from his Divers chaos anthology. This form of writing, similar to a musical score, mixes political action with the metrical rhythm of the flow of poetry. Onstage a polymorphous form takes shape, and for which the actor or actress must take responsibility: that of the collective.

In the same place

Atelier de Paris – Centre de développement chorégraphique national
octoberoct 17 – 19

Maxime Kurvers

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The director Maxime Kurvers furthers his research in theatrical anthropology by bringing the actress Yuri Itabashi face-to-face with the ban which prevents her, in accordance with tradition, from performing Okina, a play and ritual originating from nō theatre. As such, this piece is about how, through the power of the imagination, we can embrace what is forbidden to us.

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 14 – 16

Radouan Mriziga
Atlas/The Mountain


In Atlas/The Mountain, the Moroccan choreographer Radouan Mriziga transforms his body into a catalyst for energies and traditions from the Atlas Mountains. This solo in the form of a ritual is transcended by polymorphic figures and captivating rhythms.

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 14 – 16

Latifa Laâbissi, Antonia Baehr
Cavaliers impurs In a visual installation by Nadia Lauro


Following on from Consul and Meshie, Latifa Laâbissi and Antonia Baehr bring us a duo in the form of a series of heterogeneous sequences, interlinked by a common thread of the impure, hybridization and collage. They combine their respective vocabularies, such as the relationship with the expressiveness of the face, and the crossing of genres, registers. Over the course of different numbers or acts, Laâbissi and Baehr interweave their respective universes, thereby overturning the various choreographic codes and blurring the frontiers.

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 29 – 30

Elsa Dorlin
Travailler la violence #4

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How can we work on violence? How can we put into perspective, stage and retell it? How can we tear it to pieces? The purpose of this two day-long series of encounters, put together by the philosopher Elsa Dorlin, will be to update what critiques of violence teach us and to make an inventory of the various weapons of violence collected.