Marcus Lindeen

La Trilogie des identités

Archive 2022

Orlando et Mikael
Text and staging, Marcus Lindeen
Artistic collaboration stage work, and translation, Marianne Ségol-Samoy
Featuring Samia Ferguene and Jó Bernardo
Stage design, Mathieu Lorry-Dupuy
Lights, Diane Guérin
Music and sound design, Hans Appelqvist
Sound manager, Antoine Quoniam and Nicolas Brusq

Produced by Compagnie Wild Minds and Comédie de Caen – CDN de Normandie, as part of the Pôle Européen de création 
Co-produced by production T2G Gennevilliers, Centre Dramatique National; le Meta Poitiers – CDN de Poitou-Charentes; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With support to creation from Drac Île-de-France and with support to traduction from swedish Arts Council

Wild Minds
Text and staging, Marcus Lindeen
Artistic collaboration stage work, and translation, Marianne Ségol-Samoy
Featuring Barbara French, Anne-Sophie Ingouf, Hida Sahebi, El Hadj Abdou Aziz Diaw, Claude Thomas
Music and sound design, Hans Appelqvist
Sound manager, Antoine Quoniam and Nicolas Brusq
Produced by Comédie de Caen – CDN de Normandie, ordered by the Moderna Museet-Stockholm
With support from Institut Suédois, Paris

L’Aventure invisible
Text and staging, Marcus Lindeen
Artistic collaboration stage work, and translation, Marianne Ségol-Samoy
Featuring Claron McFadden ou Isabelle Girard, Tom Menanteau, Franky Gogo
Based on interviews with Jill Bolte Taylor, Jérôme Hamon, Sarah Pucill
Stage design, Mathieu Lorry-Dupuy
Lights, Diane Guérin
Music and sound design, Hans Appelqvist
Film, Sarah Pucill
Stage manager, lights and video, Dimitri Blin
Sound manager, Antoine Quoniam / Nicolas Brusq
Produced by Comédie de Caen – CDN de Normandie as part of the Pôle Européen de création
Co-production T2G Gennevilliers, Centre Dramatique National ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With support from Institut français; Ministry of Europe and et Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Culture; Cité internationale des arts;  Festival Les Boréales; The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Co-production Théâtre de Gennevilliers – centre dramatique national ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With support from Fonds Handicap & Société par Intégrance

Following on from L’Aventure invisible in 2020, the Swedish theatre director and film-maker, Marcus Lindeen, brings us his Trilogie des identités. Developed over a period of fifteen years, these three pieces plunge us into the depths of our interior worlds. They take us on an adventure into the intimate and often vertiginous quest of individuals in search of themselves.

How can we take into account the multiple identities of which we are composed? A trained radio journalist and theatre director, Marcus Lindeen uses a meticulous process of research and interviews as the basis for his work. In collaboration with the dramaturge Marianne Ségol-Samoy and the composer Hans Appelqvist, he brings to the stage the spoken words of individuals with extraordinary destinies. The sparse staging, in which the audience surrounds the actors, makes the audience feel as though they have been invited to an intimate discussion. Orlando et Mikael revisits the first piece created by Marcus Lindeen in 2006. It gives voice to two individuals and their experiences of the sex-reassignment surgery they underwent, together with the questions they pose about their irreversible decisions. In Wild Minds, the protagonists suffer from “compulsive dream disorder” and agree to embark upon an imaginary group therapy. Lastly, the heroes of L’Aventure invisible lived through an experience which shook their very identities, forcing them to reinvent their own destiny. This trilogy provides us with three fascinating explorations of our capacity to transform ourselves.

In the same place

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
septembersept 19 - october – oct 19

Kurō Tanino
Maître obscur

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In what ways does the unstoppable development of artificial intelligence (AI) permeate our lives and behaviour? Kurō Tanino, playwright of the poetry of our everyday lives and the imperceptible movements of the psyche, brings to the stage a world in which technology reveals the depths of our unconscious.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
octoberoct 17 – 21

Katerina Andreou
Bless This Mess

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The choreographer Katerina Andreou draws upon the constant confusion and noise of the world as the driving force in this her first group piece. Playfulness, absurdity, fiction and poetry arise from within this mental and emotional state. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 7 – 11

Satoko Ichihara
Yoroboshi: The Weakling

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Taking his inspiration from traditional Japanese forms, playwright and director Satoko Ichihara brings us a puppet theatre for today's world. It is a troubled one, in which the story revolves around the ambiguous nature of the dolls. In this modern tale, loneliness, suffering and sexuality are the driving forces behind these puppets the various weaknesses of which makes them ever more human.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 14 – 25

Marcus Lindeen
Memory of Mankind Conceived with Marianne Ségol

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By reconstituting four perfectly extraordinary, but very real, stories Marcus Lindeen and Marianne Ségol raise questions about the notion of memory. Their unique form of theatre, in which spoken words of a personal nature are exchanged and feed off each other, is scrupulously crafted and philosophical in equal measure. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
decemberdec 5 – 16

Alice Laloy
Le Ring de Katharsy

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There are no puppets in this large-scale new work by puppeteer Alice Laloy. Instead, we encounter humans which have been transformed into avatars and then thrown into a ring In order to compete in increasingly violent matches. This mise en abyme, at the frontier between wrestling-inspired ritual and video game scenario, invites us to question the limits of a society which simply follows orders.