Jérôme Bel, Estelle Zhong Mengual

Recommencer ce monde (les créatures fabuleuses)

Théâtre du Fil de l’eau
octoberoct 15 – 19


Prices € 8 to € 20
Subscribers € 8 to € 14

Théâtre du Fil de l’eau

Tuesday october 15


Wednesday october 16


Thursday october 17


Friday october 18


Saturday october 19


Concept by Jérôme Bel based on the original work by Baptiste Morizot with an extract from L'œil du crocodile by Val Plumwood (Wildproject). Adapted and directed by Jérôme Bel and Estelle Zhong Mengual. Interpretation and co-creation Jolente De Keersmaeker. 
With Yasmine Benelouasi, Rose Bergeret, Maïa Lemaire, Nélia Mankour Abdelmalek, Manon Meillet. Lighting Iwan Van Vlierberghe. Artistic advisor and executive director R.B. Jérôme Bel Rebecca Lasselin. Administration Sandro Grando.

Production R.B. Jérôme Bel
Coproduction Fonds de dotation du Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest ; CND Centre national de la danse ; Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy ; Comédie de Caen – CDN de Normandie ; MC93 – Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis ; Malraux scène nationale Chambéry Savoie ; R.B. ; tg STAN ; Festival d’Automne à Paris 
R.B. Jérôme Bel receives the support of the Drac Île-de-France - Ministère de la Culture
Jérôme Bel is an associate artist of the Quartz - Scène nationale de Brest, the CND Centre national de la danse and the Comédie de Caen - CDN de Normandie
Thanks to the Ménagerie de verre for making its studios available free of charge for rehearsals, to the publishers Actes Sud, Bayard, Wildproject, to Reporters sans frontières and to Olivier Rogard.
For ecological reasons, the company R.B. Jérôme Bel no longer travels by plane

The CND Centre national de la danse and the Festival d'Automne à Paris are co-producers of this show and present it in co-realisation with the Théâtre du Fil de l'eau.

Pursuing the collaboration they began in 2023, Jérôme Bel and Estelle Zhong Mengual bring Baptiste Morizot 's thoughts to the stage in order to ask questions about our place in the living world. Together, they conjure up an account or story that is told to a child by a female philosopher. The ancestral worlds it evokes set up the possibility of reinventing the present one.

On an almost empty stage, which coincides with a vision of a theatre conceived as deconstructed and diminishing, a female philosopher speaks to a child. The latter is both witness to the present and future agent in a world which is becoming uninhabitable. Calling upon the words and concepts of Baptiste Morizot, a contemporary thinker of the living world, Jolente De Keersmaeker sets off on a journey through unexplored landscapes populated by extraordinary creatures, including wolves, bacteria, humans and crocodiles. Plunging into an ancestral age in this way reveals our common ancestry with non-human species. The play mobilizes the representational powers of theatre in order to implement philosophical concepts that have the power to transform the world through the rearrangement of our relationship with the living. In this piece for adult audiences, in which the place of the child is a central one, Jérôme Bel and Estelle Zhong Mengual defend the importance of considering “other ways of being living beings” in order to create the necessary conditions for a new common future.