Jonathan Capdevielle À nous deux maintenant

based on A Crime by Georges Bernanos


Jonathan Capdevielle brings to life on stage the timeless crime thriller by Georges Bernanos, The Crime. He sifts through the particularities of our different regions in France, and dissects the traditions of their straight-talking villagers. Through this portrayal of these authentic figures, he examines the human condition with empathy, tenderness and dark humour.
At the hub of the intrigue is “the priest of Mégère”, a woman who, dressed up in God’s garments, acts in a way which is contrary to the Catholic faith. She is driven by enigmatic, deadly designs. The author’s audacity, ruse and finesse lies in the way he allows the reader to get bogged down in the labyrinthine possibilities of his or her own investigations. Seemingly lost in a no-exit thriller, and overwhelmed by the polyphony of the different characters, it is up to the reader to follow their own voice and path. The director gets straight to the heart of this explosive mixture of strange, frightening and ever so fantastical goings on. He does so by bringing upstage the role of this young female transvestite. In a disturbing, poignant way, she overturns the established order of her human environment. In the sea of this Bernanos-like chaos, we find Jonathan Capdevielle at the helm, experimenting with the multiplicity of different roles that each of his actors takes on, and a polychrome typology of the text’s interpretation. Ranging from exaltation to realism, audiences are presented with a broad spectrum of possibles, thereby blurring the frontiers between reality, dream and nightmare.