Eszter Salamon
Carte Blanche MONUMENT 0.10: The Living Monument


In the company of the fourteen performers from the Carte Blanche company, the choreographer Eszter Salamon continues her series of "monuments", in which we are invited to recall history and write others. In The Living Monument, the figures that inhabit the different places build monochrome landscapes in which time is stretched out, and colour becomes a physical force of its own.

There are ideas which stay with us for a long time and questions with no immediate answer. For almost the last ten years, Eszter Salamon has been undertaking long-term research which digs deep into monumentality, rummages through history and memory, and practices their reinvention. Over the course of these years, a new desire has dawned on the choreographer, that of building landscapes and inhabiting them. This desire comes to fruition in this new work for the Norwegian company, Carte Blanche. MONUMENT 0.10: The Living Monument is driven by a principle which may seem abstract, but which reveals itself to be an eminently physical one: colour. Dressed in crisp leather or shimmering fabrics, fourteen figures form and deform different creatures, and transform their voices and environment composed of contrasting matter and objects gleaned from various sources. The entire stage transits from one monochrome to the other, from black to white, from dark-blue night to incandescent orange. Time then slows down, steering us in the direction of a grandiose nature morte which is far from fatal.