Trisha Brown Dance Company
Noé Soulier Working Title / For M.G.: The Movie / In the Fall


In a celebration of Trisha Brown’s rich body of work, her company presents two pieces which are a statement of the variety of questions and motifs explored through her dance. This creation by the choreographer Noé Soulier for the company’s performers prolongs this journey – bridging the gap between living archive and present gestures.

Since Trisha Brown passed away in 2017, her company, directed by Carolyn Lucas continues to bring alive and pass on her heritage via a wide-ranging repertory. From her early forays into the realms of American post-modern dance up to her large-scale works for the Opera, Trisha Brown redefined in a profound way the landscape of choreographic creation through her fluid approach to movement. In order to celebrate the links set up between the choreographer and France, the Trish Brown Dance Company presents two pieces which bear witness to this fertile relationship: For MG: the movie, a piece tainted with melancholy, dedicated to the memory of Michel Guy, the Festival d’Automne’s founder; and Working title, which draws upon unexpected, asymmetric motifs and confronts bodies subject to gravity with the figure of a weightless body. Noé Soulier’s commission echoes the radiance of this work today. For him, the ‘Brownian-movement’ outmanoeuvres the geometric paradigm of modern dance and necessitates a deep-seated decentring of physical points of reference. By entering into dialogue with the work of Trisha Brown, he seeks to experience the living archive in existence within the company’s performers but also to confront them with the impulse of his own choreographic principles.