Talents Adami Theater, Mohamed El Khatib


Théâtre du Rond-Point
octoberoct 15 – 19
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
decemberdec 19

World premiere


Prices € 8 to € 18
Subscribers € 8 to € 14

Théâtre du Rond-Point

Tuesday october 15


Wednesday october 16


Thursday october 17


Friday october 18


Saturday october 19


Saturday october 19


Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen

Thursday december 19


Directed by Mohamed El Khatib. With Emma Bojan, Chakib Boudiab, Thomas de Fouchécour, Gabrielle Giraud, Emna Kallal, Ayşe Kargili, Kevin Perrot, Najim Ziani. Artistic collaboration Camille Nauffray, Fred Hocké. Sound design Arnaud Léger.

Production Zirlib
Coproduction Adami ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
In collaboration with Théâtre du Rond-Point
Zirlib is subsidised by the Drac Centre-Val de Loire - Ministère de la Culture and by the City of Orléans.
Mohamed El Khatib is an associate artist of the Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, the Théâtre national de Bretagne and the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Adami and the Festival d'Automne à Paris are co-producers of this show, which is presented in association with the Théâtre du Rond-Point.

With the support of

What will it be this time: thunderous applause or icy silence? In Mohamed El Khatib's opinion, the inherently risky nature of stand-up comedy elevates it to a theatrical art in its own right. A framework for expression of all kinds, it clears the path for transgressive laughter, in a cathartic space which brings us all together.

As part of the Talents Adami Théâtre scheme, the artist asked performers to send him a two-minute video that made him laugh. For the eight young performers that now take to the stage, this request constituted a humorous, but above all democratic, lever for the selection process. Stand-up comedy, all too often relegated to the rank of the one (wo)man show is, in reality, the fruit of finely crafted writing, a pre-requisite for improvisation in itself, and frequently makes use of minimal stage sets. In this radical vision of theatre stripped to its bare essentials, only the performer's vitality and ability to take risks, combined with their unique writing, gives flesh to the show. To start with, Mohamed El Khatib deals the traditional stand-up card, showing each soloist in their own personal universe, such as their relationship to power, social categories, sex, fears, and prejudices. Little by little, he then composes a choral score that spans the history of stand-up, taking in its origins and ability to measure the pulse of events in society in an insolent way. Might stand-up comedy, this eminently contemporary phenomenon, be the vital platform we need for telling long-overlooked stories?

In the same place

Théâtre de la Ville – Les Abbesses
septembersept 12 – 26
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
octoberoct 8 – 9
Théâtre Cinéma de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création pour la diversité linguistique
octoberoct 11
Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 18 – 19

Mohamed El Khatib
La vie secrète des vieux


Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age. 

Théâtre du Rond-Point
octoberoct 22 – 24

Vaiva Grainytė, Lina Lapelytė, Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė
Have a Good Day!

Performance Focus
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Have a good day! arises from the collaboration of Vaiva Grainytė, Lina Lapelytė, and Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė. The three artists turn their focus toward the inner lives of cashiers in a shopping centre. “Good afternoon!”, “Thank you!”, “Have a good day!” : this opera examines what lies behind mechanical statements and their associated perfunctory gestures.

Théâtre du Rond-Point
novembernov 5 – 17
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 21 – 22

Mohamed Bourouissa, Zazon Castro
Quartier de femmes


At the crossroads between theatre and stand-up, the first show by the visual artist Mohamed Bourouissa brings to the stage the different phases in the life of a woman in prison and its transformations. In the absence of pathos, the piece uses humour to circumvent the arduous nature of its subject matter.

Théâtre du Rond-Point
novembernov 22 – 24

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
33 tours et quelques secondes

Theatre Portrait
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Who is Diyaa Yamout, the Lebanese human rights activist, artist and blogger whose suicide shook the nation? We will never really know and this is not what matters. Indeed, what is far more fascinating here is the profusion of assorted reactions on Facebook, the television, and in the form of SMS and answering machine messages