
Zvizdal [Chernobyl, so far so close]

Archive 2016

Concept, Bart Baele, Yves Degryse, Cathy Blisson
With Nadia Pylypivna Lubenocet and Pétro Opanassovitch-Lubenoc
Stage design, Manu Siebens, Ina Peeters, Berlin
Interviews, Yves Degryse, Cathy Blisson
Camera work and editing, Bart Baele, Geert De Vleesschauwer
Sound recordings, Toon Meuris, Bas de Caluwé, Manu Siebens, Karel Verstreken
Interpreter, Olga Mitronina
Musical composition, Peter Van Laerhoven

A Het Zuidelijk Toneel (Tilbourg) coproduction ; PACT Zollverein (Essen) ; Dublin Theatre Festival ; Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels) ; BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen) ; Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Francfort-sur-le-Main) ; Theaterfestival Boulevard (Den Bosch) ; Brighton Festival ; Onassis Cultural Centre [Athène, GR] ; Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS // In association with Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS ; Festival d’Automne à Paris // In collaboration with deSingel (Anvers) //With the support of  Gouvernement Flamand
First performed on 12th May 2016 at Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels)

Contrary to what you might think, since its birth in 2003, Berlin has been based in... Anvers. If this choice of opening sentence might seem like a deliberate desire to confuse the issue, it is actually a reflection of the interest that this artistic duo has in the characteristics of the German capital, in which “past and future are equally present”. Yves Degryse and Bart Baele - associates of Caroline Rochlitz until 2009 - have been exploring these same dimensions in their “Holocene” cycle. Each episode of “Holocene”, the name of the present-day geological era, builds up a portrait of a town or territory, drawing, in particular, on interviews conducted with its inhabitants. The result is a series of autonomous theatrical objects in which video work, staged with brio, plays a major role. After Jerusalem (2003), Iqaluit (2005), Bonanza (2006) and Moscow (2009), Berlin focusses on a remote Ukrainian village. Through the intermediary of the journalist and author Cathy Blisson - a co-partner in the piece - Berlin follows, over a period of five years, the lives of a couple living inside the no-go area around the Chernobyl nuclear power station. After stubbornly refusing to leave their farm, the couple Nadia and Pétro Opanassovitch-Lubenoc, now in their eighties, live without running water, electricity nor telephone, but never give up the hope of one day seeing the village full of people again. A long-term project, Zvizdal unfurls with the coming and going of the seasons, in a world in which danger, invisible as it may be, is all around. It provides us with a reflection on isolation, the question of survival, frugality, and lastly, the expectancy of death.

In the same place

octoberoct 5 - november – nov 5

LIMINAL, Forensic Oceanography, Border Forensics
From Sea to Sky

Visual arts

Featuring different works by the LIMINAL, Forensic Oceanography and Border Forensics collectives, the multimedia installation From Sea to Sky approaches intersectional immobility and frontier-based violence at sea. The objective is to highlight the way in which the Mediterranean maritime space has been transformed into a militarized border zone.

octoberoct 5 – 10

Lawrence Abu Hamdan

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Zifzafa, is an arabic word to describe a wind that shakes and rattles all in its path. Here, it becomes the title of a performance of artist and researcher Lawrence Abu Hamdan, that enmeshes sonic composition, video game engines and spoken word, to immerse us in the heart of a movement to resist green colonialism in the occupied Syrian Golan heights. 

novembernov 5 – 8
Maison de la musique de Nanterre – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national
novembernov 9
Théâtre Louis Aragon, Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art et création – danse – Tremblay-en-France
novembernov 30

Alessandro Sciarroni
U. (un canto)

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A year after the premier of IRIS at the Butte-aux-Cailles swimming pool, commissioned by the Festival d'Automne, in which he explored the Italian polyphonic repertoire, Alessandro Sciarroni brings us U. (un canto). This music-based performance piece evokes the profoundly mysterious relationship between human beings and nature.

decemberdec 4 – 8

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
Quatre murs et un toit

Theatre Portrait
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In 1947, the trial of German playwright Bertolt Brecht took place in the United States in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), responsible for combating communist activism. It was here that Brecht wrote a declaration which he was forbidden to read out. The minutes of the trial, as well as this declaration, constitute one of the axes of this exuberant show.