Lia Rodrigues Béatrice Massin Dominique Hervieu

Fables à la fontaine

Archive 2021

Contre ceux qui ont le goût difficile
Choreography, Lia Rodrigues
Dramaturgy, Silvia Soter
Lighting, Franck Niedda, and Lia Rodrigues
Musical extracts, Les Motivés
Costumes, Francine Barros, and Clotilde Barros Pontes
Le Loup et l’Agneau

Choreography, Béatrice Massin
Lighting, Rémi Nicolas
Musical extracts, Marin Marais
Costumes, Dominique Fabrègue, and Clémentine Monsaingeon
Le Corbeau et le Renard

Choreography, Dominique Hervieu
Video, Dominique Hervieu, and Pascal Minet
Lighting, Vincent Paoli
Sound, Catherine Lagarde
Muisical extracts, Jean-Baptiste Lully, and Robert Schumann
Costumes, Mireille Hersent
With Tais Almeda Da Silva, and Dandara Patroclo Santos
The re-run of this show is produced by Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse and presented in association with Festival d’Automne à Paris.
A production (for the re-run) by Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse (Paris) and all the teams at the theatre, with support from Ambassade du Brésil en France
First performed in coproduction with La Petite fabrique ; Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape, compagnie Maguy Marin ; Le Toboggan, centre culturel de Décines-Charpieu ; and Pôle-Sud, CDCN de Strasbourg
With support from Consulat général de France à Rio de Janeiro, Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne, Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse (Paris), CND Centre national de la danse (Pantin), Adami, DRAC Île-de-France, and Fondation de France
With the kind participation of Groupe and Compagnie Grenade – Josette Baïz
With support from Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
Partnership with France Culture

Three fables for three female choreographers: with Fables à la fontaine, a re-run of a series of short pieces initiated in the year 2000’s, Lia Rodrigues joins forces with Béatrice Massin and Dominique Hervieu in a spirited, uninhibited staging of Jean de La Fontaine’s writing.

Lively, and aimed at family audiences, much like the original work by La Fontaine himself, these choreographic fables enable several different universes to enter into dialogue in a refreshing way. The Fables à la fontaine project came into being during the year 2000’s in response to a commission by Annie Sellem, founder of La Petite Fabrique, inviting choreographers from diverse horizons to take their inspiration from one of the famous allegories of the French poet.
This production brings together three of these pieces. Lia Rodrigues has chosen Contre ceux qui ont le goût difficile (Against Those Who Have Difficult Taste) a fable in which a dialogue is established between the author and his critics. In a mischievous way, the fable enables to her to identify “things in common between France at the time of the different Louis, described and criticized by the sharpness of La Fontaine’s plume, and the gaze we cast upon present-day Brazil, as well as the one which is cast upon us.” Alongside her, Béatrice Massin, a specialist in Baroque dance, plays on the echoes between the different eras in her exploration of the power struggles at work in Le Loup et l’Aigneau (The Wolf and the Lamb). Lastly, Dominique Hervieu offers us a “poetic invitation to critical thinking” by means of a rendition of Le Corbeau et le Renard (The Raven and the Fox), in which the art of flattery meets hip-hop. The three pieces provide audiences with a fruitful dialogue between literary heritage and artists who are very much part of their time.

In the same place

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
septembersept 26 – 29
Malakoff Scène nationale – Théâtre 71
novembernov 7

Nina Laisné, Nestor 'Pola' Pastorive
Como una baguala oscura

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In Como una baguala oscura, Nina Laisné teams up with dancer and choreographer Nestor 'Pola' Pastorive in this musical and danced portrait of Argentinian pianist Hilda Herrera. With its exploration of the roots of popular and folk music, she brings us a lively show with the hallmark of freedom stamped firmly upon it.

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
novembernov 28 – 30

Robyn Orlin, Garage Dance Ensemble, uKhoiKhoi
…How in salts desert is it possible to blossom...

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This piece is the fruit of the first encounter between Robyn Orlin and the iconic South African company Garage Dance Ensemble. The latter practices dance theatre which is committed to equality and social justice. In the company of performers from the Northern Cape region, she brings us a no-holds-barred performance that questions the origins of social violence.

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
decemberdec 5 – 8

Marcelo Evelin, Demolition Incorporada

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In this piece, the choreographer Marcelo Evelin, from the north-east region of Brazil, invites us to set foot inside a metaphorical forest and its ecological condition. Through minimalist dance, and guided by the call of the legendary Uirapuru, a rare and endangered bird, six performers embody the promise of discovering what is and what still eludes our senses.