Matthieu Bareyre

Pièce d’actualité n°18 Le Journal d’une femme nwar

Archive 2022
Visual arts


Text, Matthieu Bareyre, Rose-Marie Ayoko Folly and Marion Siéfert
Directed by Matthieu Bareyre
Filming and recording, Matthieu Bareyre
Editing, Matthieu Bareyre, Isabelle Proust, Rodolphe Molla
Assistant director and editor, Houssem Bokhari
Sound editing, Stéphane Rives
Mixing, Jules Wysocki
Calibration, Amine Berrada
Sound effect, André Fèvre

Produced by Marie-José Malis and Frédéric Sacard from La Commune CDN d’Aubervilliers, co-produced by the Festival d’Automne à Paris; Cécile Lestrade and Élise Hug from Alter Ego Production; with support from Arte France, Karen Michael and Fabrice Puchault
Co-directed by La Commune CDN d’Aubervilliers and Festival d’Automne à Paris for screenings at La Commune – CDN Aubervilliers

Rose, 29 years of age, has one goal : leaving France and “going back to Noirie” [Blackland]. When Matthieu Bareyre, one of her closest friends, proposes to make a film with her inspired by her diary, they see it as the perfect opportunity to deal with some old demons of hers...

In April of 2016, Matthieu Bareyre and Rose-Marie Ayoko Folly met on a Parisian place. Back then, Bareyre was shooting L’Époque, his first full-length documentary, with Ayoko Folly playing the central role. Answering La Commune CDN d’Aubervilliers’ invitation to create a play set in present times, Bareyre painted a picture of the young woman, now his friend. The starting point for the movie is Rose’s diaries, which Bareyre read with her consent. Then, the movie attempts to reconcile opposing artistic media: journals vs. conversation; voiceover vs. silent film; direct cinema vs. musical poetry; Scope vs. iPhone. In this endeavor, the movie takes a critical look at modern-day France through the lens of a friendship between a Black woman and a white man.

In the same place

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
septembersept 20 – 28

Carte Blanche Dream City

Carte Blanche Dream City

The Festival d'Automne gives Carte Blanche to the multidisciplinary Dream City festival in Tunis, which inaugurates the Commune's first Pavilion. Spanning the Medina of Tunis all the way to the town of Aubervilliers, Selma Ouissi, Sofiane Ouissi and Jan Goossens will be making use of artistic creation in the form of a new urban space.

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
septembersept 20 – 22

Selma & Sofiane Ouissi

Carte Blanche Dream CityDance
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Starting with ordinary everyday gestures such as feeding, living together and getting around, Sofiane Ouissi explores our relationship with birds. Passionate about encounters and the journeys they generate, this time he delves into the relationship with another species.

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
septembersept 27 – 28

Sammy Baloji
Missa Utica

Carte Blanche Dream CityMusic
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The first black bishop appointed by the Catholic Church should have settled in Utica, Tunisia, but never did. His story is the starting point for Sammy Baloji's work.

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
septembersept 27 – 28

Winter Family

Carte Blanche Dream CityTheatre
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La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
novembernov 13 – 16

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué

Theatre Portrait
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These two one-person shows, Biokhraphia et Riding on a cloud, are an investigation into the self-portrait. In Riding on a Cloud, a man called Yasser speaks into a dictaphone, projects videos and broadcasts recordings, whilst expressing reservations about the extent to which these documents coincide with his true self. In Biokhraphia, it is Lina Majdalanie who becomes the subject of a very unusual interview.

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
novembernov 13 – 16

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
Riding on a cloud

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These two one-person shows, Biokhraphia and Riding on a cloud, are an investigation into the self-portrait. In Riding on a Cloud, a man called Yasser speaks into a dictaphone, projects videos and broadcasts recordings, whilst expressing reservations about the extent to which these documents coincide with his true self. In Biokhraphia, it is Lina Majdalanie who becomes the subject of a very unusual interview.