Pascal Rambert

Je te réponds

Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
decemberdec 3 – 4


Prices € 8 and € 16

Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord

Tuesday december 3


Wednesday december 4


Text and staging Pascal Rambert. With Cristy, Christine, Karim, Benjamin, Tyson, Ignace. Artistic collaboration Pauline Roussille. Stage management Félix Löhmann. Production manager Pauline Roussille. Production administration Sabine Aznar.

Production structure production
With the support of Service Pénitentiaire d’Insertion et de Probation, Drac Île-de-France and the Fondation de la Poste 
Acknowledgements Jean Michel Gremillet, Maud Lahon, Anne Laure Reveillard

The Centre International de Créations Théâtrales – Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord and the Festival d’Automne à Paris present this reading in co-realisation.

Six voices ring out, bringing with them the captivating stories of six men and women, aged between 30 and 60 years old, and who are currently serving prison sentences. Usually confined to within prison walls, their words find a stage on which to be heard at the Bouffes du Nord theatre.

Between September 2021 and January 2023, Pascal Rambert and his son, film director Lou Rambert Preiss, listened to the voices of inmates, and set about putting in place a platform for their previously ignored thoughts. In accordance with the 2012 circular on cultural projects in prisons, the Je te réponds project is part of a broader social rehabilitation scheme. Pascal Rambert led several writing workshops inside the Centre pénitentiaire de Réau prison, in the Seine-et-Marne region, and which were filmed by Lou Rambert Preiss. Together, they explored these letter-based exchanges between prisoners and their loved ones, often revealing little-known aspects of their daily realities in the process. All too often reduced to silence, what becomes apparent in Je te réponds is the entire human condition of individuals serving prison sentences. Inmates and spectators alike journey together towards truth and consideration.