Christoph Marthaler

Odön von Horvath / Christoph Marthaler

Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald/ Légendes de la forêt viennoise

Archive 2007

Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald
Tales from the Vienna Woods
by Odön von Horváth
Directed by Christoph Marthaler
Set design: Anna Viebrock
Costume design: Dorothee Curio
Lighting design: Henning Streck
Dramaturgy: Stefanie Carp
With Josef Ostendorf, Bettina Stucky, Ueli Jäggi, Stefan Kurt, Katja Kolm, Matthias Matschke, Marc Hosemann, Ulrich Voss,
Nicolas Rosat, Rosemarie Bärhold, Hildegard Alex, Clemens Sienknecht

Produced by the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxembourg-Platz
Co-presented by the Théâtre National de Chaillot and the Festival d’Automne à Paris

Between the Vienna of the 1920s and today’s working-class Berlin, Horváth’s tragi-comic characters, outcasts of economic development, are the ancestors of today’s roaming “Ossis”, who take refuge in an imaginary idyllic past when their world wasn’t in tatters. Horváth and his satirical wit are well served here by a director who enjoys showing great turmoil on stage, well beyond mere social criticism.

In the same place

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
septembersept 26 – 29
Malakoff Scène nationale – Théâtre 71
novembernov 7

Nina Laisné, Nestor 'Pola' Pastorive
Como una baguala oscura

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In Como una baguala oscura, Nina Laisné teams up with dancer and choreographer Nestor 'Pola' Pastorive in this musical and danced portrait of Argentinian pianist Hilda Herrera. With its exploration of the roots of popular and folk music, she brings us a lively show with the hallmark of freedom stamped firmly upon it.

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
novembernov 28 – 30

Robyn Orlin, Garage Dance Ensemble, uKhoiKhoi
…How in salts desert is it possible to blossom...

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This piece is the fruit of the first encounter between Robyn Orlin and the iconic South African company Garage Dance Ensemble. The latter practices dance theatre which is committed to equality and social justice. In the company of performers from the Northern Cape region, she brings us a no-holds-barred performance that questions the origins of social violence.

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
decemberdec 5 – 8

Marcelo Evelin, Demolition Incorporada

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In this piece, the choreographer Marcelo Evelin, from the north-east region of Brazil, invites us to set foot inside a metaphorical forest and its ecological condition. Through minimalist dance, and guided by the call of the legendary Uirapuru, a rare and endangered bird, six performers embody the promise of discovering what is and what still eludes our senses.