Merce Cunningham

Merce Cunningham

Crises / EyeSpace / CRWDSPCR

Archive 2007

Music John King, Blues 99
Set, costume, and lighting design: Mark Lancaster
Crises (1960)
Music: Conlon Nancarrow, Rhythm Studies #1, #2, #4, #7, #6
Costume design: Robert Rauschenberg
Lighting design: Megan Byrne
EyeSpace (2006-2007)
Music: Mikel Rouse, music for iPods, International Cloud Atlas
If you own an iPod or other MP3 player, load the music onto the device and bring it to the theater to play during eyeSpace. Pre-loaded shuffles will also be available on loan at the theater.
Set design: Henry Samelson
Lighting design: Josh Johnson
Choreography: Merce Cunningham
Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Performed by Cédric Andrieux, Jonah Bokaer, Lisa Boudreau, Julie Cunningham, Brandon Collwes, Emma Desjardins,
Holley Farmer, Jennifer Goggans, Rashaun Mitchell, Koji Mizuta, Marcie Munnerlyn, Daniel Squire, Robert Swinston,
Andrea Weber

Co-presented by the Théâtre de la Ville; the Festival d’Automne à Paris
Major support for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company’s 2007-2008 Season provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Ford Foundation, Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation, Robert Rauschenberg, The Starr Foundation and Save America’s Treasures.
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. These performances are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a State agency.
Generous support for this engagement was provided by The Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust, Gladys Kreible Delmas Foundation, The Harkness Foundation for Dance and The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation.

Unabashed experimenter Merce Cunningham’s new dance piece lets spectators share in his creative freedom: individual iPods enable them to listen to the music in whatever order they choose. The programme also includes two other works – Crises (1960) and CRWDSPCR (1993) – spanning thirty years in the career of this legendary choreographer who changed the rules of 20th century dance.

In the same place

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