Musée de la Danse / Boris Charmatz


Archive 2011

Choreographie, Boris Charmatz
Lightning, Yves Godin 
Sound, Olivier Renouf
Machines, Artefact, Frédéric Vannieuwenhuyse, Alexandre Diaz 
Cornemuse, Erwan Keravec
Assistants, Julien Jeanne, Stéphane Imbert
Costumes, Laure Fonvieille 
Voice training, Dalila Khatir
Gneral Manager, Antoine Guilloux 
Stage Manager, Max Potiron, François Aubry
With Eleanor Bauer, Nuno Bizarro, Boris Charmatz, Olga Dukhovnaya, Julien Gallée-Ferré, Lénio Kaklea, Maud Le Pladec, Thierry Micouin, Mani A. Mungai
Enfants, Tikal Contant Ricard, Sasha Goasduff Langlois, Salomé Lebreton, Louane Mogis, Lou Andréa Paulet, Emma Perreau, Raphaëlle Piechaczyk, Perle Béchu-Quaiser, Rémi Cazoulat, Abel Charmatz, Marguerite Chassé, Noé Couderc, Cédric Lamotte-Lenoir, Youenn Louédec, Eliott Bourseau, Hypolite Tanguy, Mathieu Guidoni
Production Museum of the dance/national choreographic Center of Rennes and Brittany - Direction: Boris Charmatz. Association subsidized by the ministry for Culture and of the Communication (Regional management of the Cultural Affairs/Brittany), the Town of Rennes, the District council of Brittany and the General advice d' Ille-et-Vilaine. The French Institute contributes regularly to the international rounds of the Museum of the dance. Coproduction Festival of Avignon; International Sommerfestival Hamburg and Siemens Stiftung within the framework of project SCHAUPLÄTZE; National theatre of Brittany (Rennes); The Build-Festival of Geneva; Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels); Theatre of City-Paris; Festival d'Automne à Paris
With the collaboration of the League of the teaching of Ille-et-Vilaine
With the support of Rennes Metropolis
Partnership with France Culture
Premiered at the Main courtyard of the Palate of the Popes, Festival of Avignon, on July 7, 2011

In Boris Charmatz’s latest work, children invade the stage, blurring the boundaries between childhood and adulthood, the professional and the amateur. Charmatz creates a dance of inert bodies, built around notions of friction and inertia. Children are treated as a malleable, fragile and uncontrollable material, a disruptive element in an otherwise smooth circulation.

In the same place

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
septembersept 13 – 22

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Radouan Mriziga / Rosas, A7LA5
Il Cimento dell’Armonia e dell’Inventione

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In collaboration with the choreographer and dancer Radouan Mriziga, the challenge taken up by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker is to make Vivaldi's Four Seasons heard, using the tools of dance to hone the way we listen to this baroque masterpiece. Under the auspices of abstraction, the resulting alliance reconnects with the imaginary ecological world that is conjured up by this famous concerto.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
septembersept 23 – 28

Rabih Mroué
Who’s Afraid of Representation?

Theatre Portrait
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We find ourselves in the company of major figures of European Body Art (Joseph Beuys, Orlan, Marina Abramović, to name a few) via their accounts of exhibitions and public scarifications dating back to the 1970s. In parallel with this runs the true story of a killing spree carried out by a Lebanese office at his workplace, and the fluctuating motivations for his acts.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
octoberoct 3 – 5
Maison des Arts de Créteil
novembernov 6 – 7

Lola Arias
Los días afuera

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At the crossroads between musical and documentary, Lola Arias brings us a choral composition in which six female former inmates talk about their lives during and after incarceration. Their six intertwining destinies raise questions about the various forms of violence present in contemporary society, whilst exploring the margins of fiction and reality at the same time.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
novembernov 5 – 16

Robert Wilson
PESSOA – Since I've been me

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The hero of this new work by Robert Wilson is Fernando Pessoa. And a paradoxical hero at that. The Portuguese poet spent his life 'multiplying himself', inventing heteronyms, or fictitious authors, to whom he attributed works he himself wrote. He even went as far as to invent relationships, either amicable ones or from master to disciple, between his different avatars.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
novembernov 19 – 23

Jan Martens

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In this breakthrough piece for Jan Martens, VOICE NOISE brings together six dancers to shape a soundscape comprising some of the great female performers and composers of our time. In his own pop-inspired and precise way, the choreographer questions a very contemporary story, and in doing so raises the question of how some of these voices were silenced.