Fabien Gorgeart Clotilde Hesme Pascal Sangla

Stallone, adapted from Emmanuèle Bernheim

Archive 2020

Concept, Fabien Gorgeart, Clotilde Hesme, Pascal Sangla
Directed by Fabien Gorgeart
Based on Stallone by Emmanuèle Bernheim (published by Éditions Gallimard)
With Clotilde Hesme, and Pascal Sangla
Sound and live music, Pascal Sangla
Lighting, Thomas Veyssière
Artistic collaboration, Aurélie Barrin
Coproduced by Théâtre Sorano (Toulouse) ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
With support from Adami and GoGoGo films
First performed on the 2nd October 2019 at Théâtre Sorano (Toulouse)
Fabien Gorgeart and Clotilde Hesme are associate artists at CENTQUATRE-PARIS.

Lises exits the cinema, overcome by her emotions. She has just finished watching Rocky III. Just like the film’s hero, she decides to leave her comfort zone there and then, and to take control of her life once again. In this their first theatre-based collaboration, the filmmaker Fabien Gorgeart and the actress Clotilde Hesme tap into the upbeat tempo of Emmanuèle Bernheim’s novel in this untamed, fiery onstage proposition.

After the experience of seeing Rocky III, Lise runs into the street. From that moment on, Sylvester Stallone will be an important part of her life, because if her life has changed then it is down to him. She splits up from her partner and breaks with her daily routine, moves, goes back to studying, enrols in a boxing class, meets a new man, and has children… Everything happens very fast. Hovering between deep-seated impulse and obsession, Clotilde Hesme throws herself headlong into the role - mind, body, voice and soul. What ensues is a music and word-based jousting match between the actress and the multi-talented musician and inventor Pascal Sangla. Crouched over his mixing desk, he brings to life, with the aid of a few accessories, the different supplementary characters in the story, and creates improvised soundscapes. In this vibrant and fast-paced performance in which nothing is hidden from the audience’s view, a question of a complex yet nature rears its head: what do we, or can we, do with the time allotted to us? The piece constitutes a fitting tribute to the writing of Emmanuèle Bernheim, the French authoress and cinema critic who passed away in 2017.

In the same place

octoberoct 5 - november – nov 5

LIMINAL, Forensic Oceanography, Border Forensics
From Sea to Sky

Visual arts

Featuring different works by the LIMINAL, Forensic Oceanography and Border Forensics collectives, the multimedia installation From Sea to Sky approaches intersectional immobility and frontier-based violence at sea. The objective is to highlight the way in which the Mediterranean maritime space has been transformed into a militarized border zone.

octoberoct 5 – 10

Lawrence Abu Hamdan

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Zifzafa, is an arabic word to describe a wind that shakes and rattles all in its path. Here, it becomes the title of a performance of artist and researcher Lawrence Abu Hamdan, that enmeshes sonic composition, video game engines and spoken word, to immerse us in the heart of a movement to resist green colonialism in the occupied Syrian Golan heights. 

Théâtre de la Ville – Les Abbesses
septembersept 12 – 26
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
octoberoct 8 – 9
Théâtre Cinéma de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création pour la diversité linguistique
octoberoct 11
Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 18 – 19

Mohamed El Khatib
La vie secrète des vieux

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Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age. 

novembernov 5 – 8
Maison de la musique de Nanterre – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national
novembernov 9
Théâtre Louis Aragon, Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art et création – danse – Tremblay-en-France
novembernov 30

Alessandro Sciarroni
U. (un canto)

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A year after the premier of IRIS at the Butte-aux-Cailles swimming pool, commissioned by the Festival d'Automne, in which he explored the Italian polyphonic repertoire, Alessandro Sciarroni brings us U. (un canto). This music-based performance piece evokes the profoundly mysterious relationship between human beings and nature.

decemberdec 4 – 8

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
Quatre murs et un toit

Theatre Portrait
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In 1947, the trial of German playwright Bertolt Brecht took place in the United States in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), responsible for combating communist activism. It was here that Brecht wrote a declaration which he was forbidden to read out. The minutes of the trial, as well as this declaration, constitute one of the axes of this exuberant show.

Théâtre du Rond-Point
octoberoct 15 – 19
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
decemberdec 19

Talents Adami Theater, Mohamed El Khatib

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What will it be this time: thunderous applause or icy silence? In Mohamed El Khatib's opinion, the inherently risky nature of stand-up comedy elevates it to a theatrical art in its own right. A framework for expression of all kinds, it clears the path for transgressive laughter, in a cathartic space which brings us all together.