Silvia Costa

Poil de Carotte

by Jules Renard

Archive 2016

Conceived and directed by Silvia Costa
Artistic collaboration, Marine Prunier
Based on the novel by Jules Renard
With Delphine Chuillot, Élise Marie, Agathe Molière, Marine Prunier, Alexandre Soulier
Musical creation, Lorenzo Tomio
Set design, Maroussia Vaes
Costume design, Laura Dondoli
Make up, Corinne Blot
A Nanterre-Amandiers, centre dramatique national production
In association with Nanterre-Amandiers, centre dramatique national ; Festival d’Automne à Paris for performances at Nanterre-Amandiers, centre dramatique nationial

Who is Poil de Carotte, or Carrot Head, really? Neglected and bullied by his family, Jules Renard’s unloved little boy is defined by his red hair, a reflection, perhaps, of his sense of indignation at life’s injustices. For Silvia Costa, who tackles this classic work for children, whether he is good or bad, victim or rebel, is unimportant. He is, above all, the subjective hero of a childhood needing to be reinvented.

After being welcomed into the Lepic family stable, spectators are instantly plunged into a realistic playing space, surrounded by hay and farm animals. The arrival of Poil de Carotte’s mother overturns the apparent order. The visual universe, devised in collaboration with set designer Moroussia Vaes, unfurls before us like an album of ephemeral slides, set to the rhythm of the young boy’s memories, based on vignettes from Jules Renard’s work. Far from a linear form of narration, Silvia Costa prompts us to immerse ourselves in this universe she has created, and in which matter, sensations and shapes are of primordial importance.

With a background in visual arts and theatre from the University of Venice, Silvia Costa, one of Romeo Castellucci’s habitual performers and collaborators since 2006, continues to develop her own artistic projects. For several years now, she has been devising sensorial installations aimed at younger audiences. After Cuore, a classic Italian work from the XIXth century, this production of Poil de Carotte continues her forays into children’s literature.

In the same place

La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
septembersept 20 – 28

Carte Blanche Dream City

Carte Blanche Dream City

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La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
septembersept 20 – 22

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La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
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Missa Utica

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Carte Blanche Dream CityTheatre
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La Villette
octoberoct 16 – 19

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One Thousand and One Nights

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La Villette
novembernov 6 – 8

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novembernov 13 – 16

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Theatre Portrait
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La Commune, centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers
novembernov 13 – 16

Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué
Riding on a cloud

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These two one-person shows, Biokhraphia and Riding on a cloud, are an investigation into the self-portrait. In Riding on a Cloud, a man called Yasser speaks into a dictaphone, projects videos and broadcasts recordings, whilst expressing reservations about the extent to which these documents coincide with his true self. In Biokhraphia, it is Lina Majdalanie who becomes the subject of a very unusual interview.

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Scène nationale de l'Essonne – Théâtre de l’Agora
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La Merise
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La Ferme du Buisson, Scène nationale – cinéma – centre d’art contemporain
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Joël Pommerat

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La Villette
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Theo Mercier

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La Villette
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Romeo Castellucci, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Gustav Mahler
Symphonie No. 2 “Résurrection”

Théâtre musical
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novembernov 30

Alessandro Sciarroni
U. (un canto)

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A year after the premier of IRIS at the Butte-aux-Cailles swimming pool, commissioned by the Festival d'Automne, in which he explored the Italian polyphonic repertoire, Alessandro Sciarroni brings us U. (un canto). This music-based performance piece evokes the profoundly mysterious relationship between human beings and nature.

La Villette
decemberdec 12 – 14

Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon
Canine Jaunâtre 3

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Following on from the Portrait dedicated to her by the Autumn Festival two years ago, Marlene Monteiro Freitas hijacks the match: twenty-five virtuoso performers, each wearing the same number 3 vests, throw the score into disarray, measure themselves against the grotesque and warp the game. This show sees the eccentric choreographer passing on to the Lyon Opera Ballet a jousting match of hybrid times, a carnivalesque fresco in which the human, animal and machine have a tendency to merge.